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What is a Interrupted aortic arch?

What is a Interrupted aortic arch?

Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is a structural heart defect characterized anatomically by a discontinuity (interruption) along the aortic arch. Depending on the site of discontinuity, IAA is classified into three types (see Fig. 20), of which type B is the most frequent (50–70%).

Which abnormality is most commonly associated with an interrupted aortic arch?

This defect is usually associated with a large ventricular septal defect (VSD). Patients with interrupted aortic arch (particularly those with type B) often have a genetic disorder called DiGeorge syndrome.

How do you fix an interrupted aortic arch?

How is interrupted aortic arch (IAA) treated? IAA is treated with surgery to repair the aorta and create an unobstructed flow of blood to the body and brain. One of the signs of IAA is when a small blood vessel (the ductus arteriosus) that supplies blood to either the lungs or the body does not close after birth.

Can the aortic arch be repaired?

The procedure involves excision of the ascending aorta and underside of the aortic arch, and placement of a thoracic aortic stent graft into the descending aorta at the time of arch repair. The native aortic valve and root are repaired, and the ascending aorta and proximal arch are replaced with a Dacron graft.

What is the function of aortic arch?

The aortic arch is the segment of the aorta that helps distribute blood to the head and upper extremities via the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid, and the left subclavian artery. The aortic arch also plays a role in blood pressure homeostasis via baroreceptors found within the walls of the aortic arch.

What causes aortic arch?

Aortic arch syndrome problems can be due to trauma, blood clots, or malformations that develop before birth. These defects result in abnormal blood flow to the head, neck, or arms. In children, there are many types of aortic arch syndromes, including: Congenital absence of a branch of the aorta.

How common is interrupted aortic arch?

The incidence of interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is about 2 cases per 100,000 live births. Nearly all patients with IAA present in the first 2 weeks of life when the ductus arteriosus closes. Most patients present in the first day of life.

What is life expectancy after aortic dissection surgery?

1 Introduction. Acute type A aortic dissection (AAD) is a life-threatening emergency that carries a high mortality rate without surgical treatment [1,2]. Surgical mortality has been estimated to range from 9% to 30%, and survival rates of 51–82% at 5 years have been reported [3–9].

How long does aortic arch repair take?

The operation may take 5 hours or longer. You may need several surgical repairs over your lifetime. This depends on the health of the aortic valve and heart arteries. You will have general anesthesia to make you comfortable and sleep through the surgery.

What causes the aorta to rupture?

Traumatic aortic transection, also known as aortic rupture, is the near-complete tear through all the layers of the aorta due to trauma such as that sustained in a motor vehicle collision or a fall. This condition is most often lethal and requires immediate medical attention.

What are the symptoms of aortic arch?

Symptoms may include:

  • Blood pressure changes.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, and other brain and nervous system (neurological) changes.
  • Numbness of an arm.
  • Reduced pulse.
  • Swallowing problems.
  • Transient ischemic attacks (TIA)