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What is a macromolecule simple definition?

What is a macromolecule simple definition?

: a very large molecule (as of a protein or rubber)

What are 4 examples of macromolecules?

What are four important biological macromolecules?

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Proteins.
  • Lipids.
  • Nucleic acid.

What is a macromolecule quizlet?

macromolecule. A giant molecule formed by the joining of smaller molecules, usually by a condensation reaction. Polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids are examples of this type of molecule.

What is meant by macromolecular in chemistry?

A macromolecule is a very large molecule having a polymeric chain structure. Proteins, polysaccharides, genes, ruber, and synthetic polymers consist of macromolecules.

What are the 4 main macromolecules and their functions?

The four main macromolecules are proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids. They are an important part of the cell and perform essential functions. Proteins are required for growth and maintenance, immunity and also act as enzymes, hormones, etc. Carbohydrates are the main energy source.

What are macromolecules quizlet?

What are the four macromolecules quizlet?

4 Macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids Flashcards | Quizlet.

What are the biological macromolecules and what are their defining characteristics?

Biological macromolecules are large molecules, necessary for life, that are built from smaller organic molecules. There are four major classes of biological macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids); each is an important cell component and performs a wide array of functions.

What is the function of each macromolecule?

Types of biological macromolecules

Biological macromolecule Building blocks Functions
Proteins Amino acids Provide cell structure, send chemical signals, speed up chemical reactions, etc
Nucleic acids Nucleotides Store and pass on genetic information

Why are macromolecules important?

Gigantic molecules, called macromolecules, populate a cell and provide it with important functions for life. For example, macromolecules provide structural support, a source of stored fuel, the ability to store and retrieve genetic information, and the ability to speed biochemical reactions.

What are the four major macromolecules and their monomers quizlet?

These are sugars and starches. They are all composed of only three atoms: CHO, in a ratio of 1:2:1.

What is an example of a macromolecule?

Proteins, DNA, RNA, and plastics are all macromolecules. Many carbohydrates and lipids are macromolecules. Carbon nanotubes are an example of a macromolecule that is not a biological material. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. “Macromolecule Definition and Examples.”

What is the difference between a molecule and a macromolecule?

The molecule is the smallest unit of the substance that retains its characteristic properties. The macromolecule is such a unit but is considerably larger than the ordinary molecule, which usually has a diameter of less than 10 angstroms (10 − 6 mm).

What is the importance of macromolecules?

What is the importance of macromolecules? Most of the biological nutrients are macromolecules that are used by the body to carry out various life activities. These are made by the combination of monomers.

How are macromolecules made?

The process of making macromolecules is called polymerization. Because plastics are not biodegradable, it is important to recycle them so that they can be reused to make new products and not take up vital space in landfills. Bioplastics are a new type of plastic that do break down and do not harm the environment.