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What is coccivac?

What is coccivac?

Coccidiosis Vaccine. For vaccination of healthy chickens at 1 day of age or older as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis. PRODUCT LABEL.

How do you vaccinate chickens for coccidiosis?

In most cases, coccidiosis vaccine administrations are mass applications by spraying the vaccine on the birds (in the hatchery or at arrival in the poultry house), spraying on the feed or by adding it to the drinking water.

How do you administer Livacox vaccine?

Dosage: For every 100 chickens, use 1ml (=100 doses) of Livacox® T or Q diluted in 19ml of water. with the appropriate amount of drinking water as indicated below. Stop water supply for 2 hours before vaccination. The birds should then drink all the water containing LIVACOX® T or Q dry within next 2 hours.

What are the symptoms of coccidiosis in chickens?

Outward signs of coccidiosis in chickens include droopiness and listlessness, loss of appetite, loss of yellow color in shanks, pale combs and wattles, ruffled, unthrifty feathers, huddling or acting chilled, blood or mucus in the feces, diarrhea, dehydration, and even death.

What is Livacox?

Livacox Q is a quadrivalent live attenuated coccidiosis vaccine specifically for commercial breeders and layer chickens. It gives optimum protection against coccidiosis caused by Eimeria.

What are symptoms of coccidiosis?

However, signs of coccidiosis needing treatment include:

  • Bloody or watery diarrhea.
  • Lethargy.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Pale combs and wattles.
  • Droopy posture and wings.
  • Ruffled or puffed up feathers.
  • Droopy, dull or glazed eyes.
  • Poor growth in chicks.

What is the best medicine for coccidiosis?

The most popular treatment for coccidiosis is Amprolium, which blocks the parasite’s ability to uptake and multiply. Treatment is usually administered by adding Amprolium to the chickens’ water supply, however in some cases, where sick chickens aren’t eating or drinking enough, the medication is given orally.