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What is epistemic metacognition?

What is epistemic metacognition?

Metacognition refers broadly to cognition about cognition; epistemic cognition points more specifically to knowledge about the justification and truth of beliefs. Metacognition is broadly relevant to advanced levels of cognitive functioning.

What is the meaning of Epistemologist?

Epistemology is the study of knowledge, so an epistemologist is someone who studies how we know things.

What is epistemology in simple terms?

epistemology, the philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge. The term is derived from the Greek epistēmē (“knowledge”) and logos (“reason”), and accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge.

What is epistemic cognition quizlet?

epistemic cognition. refers to our reflections on how we arrived at facts, beliefs, and ideas. dualistic thinking. dividing information, values, and authority into right and wrong, good and bad, we and they. relativistic thinking.

How is epistemology relevant to education?

Another important aspect studied in education epistemology is the explanation and understanding of some types and methods of cognition on the specific reality of education and also issues related to own knowledge sources.

How is epistemology used in the classroom?

Epistemic cognition represents aspects of teachers’ thinking focused on issues related to knowledge, which may have particular relevance for classroom assessment practices given that teachers must discern what their students know and then use this information to inform instruction.

What are the two types of epistemology?

While there are many specific names for these approaches, epistemology can be broadly divided into two main schools of thought: empiricism and rationalism. Most philosophers who have studied epistemology have been ultimately supportive of one of these schools of thought over the other.

What is Western epistemology?

Western epistemologists have commonly defined knowledge in terms of justified true belief, and commonly construed epistemology as being concerned with evaluating the epistemic credentials of belief.

What is epistemology and education?

Epistemology and Education. WONG Yew Leong. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of knowledge, the processes through which we acquire knowledge, and the value of knowledge.

What is the quest of epistemology?

Epistemologists are interested to find out what exactly it is to know that something is the case. This quest is usually characterised as the task of specifying a set of conditions that are individually necessary and jointly sufficient for a person to have knowledge.

What can we learn from Descartes’introduction to epistemology?

One important lesson we can draw from the above introduction to epistemology is that many of the things we claim to know-in our daily undertakings, in the sciences, in the social sciences, in the humanities, and perhaps even in mathematics-would not count as knowledge if we were to apply Descartes’ epistemic standards to them.

What are the main issues in epistemology?

The first issue concerns the nature of knowledge. Epistemologists are interested to find out what exactly it is to know that something is the case. This quest is usually characterised as the task of specifying a set of conditions that are individually necessary and jointly sufficient for a person to have knowledge.