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What is FMDB in swift?

What is FMDB in swift?

FMDB is an Objective-C wrapper around the C-style API provided by Apple for SQLite. It’s important to note the SQLite is not an Apple proprietary technology. SQLite is an open source C-language library used by Apple, Android, Skype, and many other clients and applications to provide a robust database engine.

How can I see SQLite database in iOS?

For live database Changes please try this:

  1. Install DBBrowser for SQLite.
  2. Log your strDocumentPath in console using NSLog And copy the path.
  3. Open DBBrowser and open database and in finder press CMD+SHIFT+G and paste your link there and press ENTER.
  4. Select your SQLite file and it will be opened in DBBrowser.

What is SQLite database in iOS?

iOS SQLite Database in Swift SQLite is a Relational Database Management System and we can use SQLite is the type of Embedded file in our iOS applications because it will available as a library. For SQLite, there is no stand-alone server running in the background like SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL server.

Why use SQLite?

SQLite is used to develop embedded software for devices like televisions, cell phones, cameras, etc. It can manage low to medium-traffic HTTP requests. SQLite can change files into smaller size archives with lesser metadata. SQLite is used as a temporary dataset to get processed with some data within an application.

What does FMDB stand for?


Acronym Definition
FMDB Flexible Distributed Mesh Database

Can we use SQLite in iOS?

SQLite is available by default on iOS. In fact, if you’ve used Core Data before, you’ve already used SQLite.

Which database is best for iOS?

Best Databases for iOS Apps

  1. SQLite. Technically defined as a relational database management system (RDBMS), SQLite is the most popular database engine in the world.
  2. Realm. Formally MongoDB, Realm is an open-source object base management system.
  3. Core Data.

What is SQLite in Swift?

SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. It is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day.

Which is better SQL or SQLite?

SQLite supports many features of SQL and has high performance but does not support stored procedures. SQL is Structured Query Language which is used with databases like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, etc. SQLite is portable database resource.

What is SQLite in iOS Swift?

Which database is best for iOS Swift?

The 3 Best Databases for iOS Apps

  1. SQLite. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world.
  2. Realm. Realm – formally MongoDB Realm under a 2019 merge – is an open-source object database management system.
  3. Core Data. Core Data is a framework sponsored by Apple itself.

How do I use fmdb classes in Swift?

Now, the FMDB classes will be available throughout our Swift project, and we’re ready to start making use of them. Working with the database almost always involves the same general action steps: Establish a connection to it, load or modify the stored data, and finally close the connection.

How do I integrate fmdb into my project?

The normal and usual way to integrate the FMDB library into your project is by installing it through CocoaPods and according to the directions that can be found here. However, and especially for Swift projects, it’s way faster to download the repository as a zip file, and then to add specific files into your project.

Is fmdb the right tool for You?

If you are familiarised with SQL queries and you like to deal with the database in a fashion similar to what we’ve seen on this post, then FMDB is the appropriate tool for you.

How do I execute multiple statements at once in fmdb?

Executing multiple statements at once is easy with FMDB, as all we have to do is to make use of the executeStatements (_:) method through the database object: print(“Failed to insert initial data into the database.”) The lastError () and lastErrorMessage () shown above will become really useful to you in case the insert operation fails.