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What is Gamo Gofa culture?

What is Gamo Gofa culture?

The Gamo and Gofa peoples live in Ethiopia in the mountain ranges and lowlands between Lakes Abaya and Chamo in the East and the River Omo in the West. In addition to heritage varieties of barley and wheat, they are famous for growing beautiful home gardens which feature the staple crop enset.

How many Woreda Gamo zones are there?

15 districts
The Zone has 15 districts (woredas) and 2 town administrations. Arba Minch Town, the Capital of Gamo Gofa Zone, is 502 km south of Addis Ababa. Gamo Gofa Zone is a zone with two Lakes (Lake Chamo and Abaya).

Who are Gamo?

The Gamo people are an Ethiopian ethnic group located in the Gamo Highlands of Southern Ethiopia. They are found in more than 40 communities, including Chencha, Bonke, Kucha, Garbansa, Zargula, Kamba, Dorze, Birbir, Ochello, Boroda, Ganta, Gacho Baba, Eligo, Shella, Kolle, Dita, Kogo and Daramalo.

Where is Gamo in Ethiopia?

An ancient people speaking an Omotic language, the Gamo protect remnant forests, burial grounds and traditional assembly places across Ethiopia’s vast southwestern plateau. Today, the highlands are home to about a million people, of which the Gamo are the main ethnic group.

What is Woga of Gamo?

The. dere woga is a body of norms and a set of moral values that provide a wider. framework for social interactions and human conduct across Gamo. communities. It embraces cultural norms and procedures that govern.

How many zones are there in Snnpr?

SNNPR is one of the 11 regions of Ethiopia with over 16 million or 20% of the country’s population. It has 15 zones and 7 special woredas.

What is dere Woga?

dere woga is a body of norms and a set of moral values that provide a wider. framework for social interactions and human conduct across Gamo. communities. It embraces cultural norms and procedures that govern. diverse issues, among others, inheritance and property ownership; marriage.

How many kebele are in Arba Minch town?

eleven kebeles
Arba Minch is a town in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Regional State. It consists of the four administrative sub-cities namely Secha, Sikella, Abaya and Nechsar and these four sub-cities are divided into eleven kebeles.

What are the three components of customary justice institutions?

The relationship between State and Customary law can be divided into three phases: (1) The imperial sacred tradition in the pre-modern era, (2) the modern secular imported nation-building period under Emperor Haile Sellassie and the Derg, and (3) the post-modern ethnic federalist period under the EPRDF.

Is Wollo an Oromo?

The Wollo Oromo people are an Oromo subgroup inhabiting the historic Wollo Province of northern Ethiopia.

What is the capital city of Snnpr?

city of Hawassa
Addis Abeba, October 18/2019 -The ongoing meeting by the Council of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Regional State (SNNPRS) approved a legal framework document which makes the city of Hawassa, currently the capital city of SNNPRS, accountable to the future Sidama Regional State (RST), DW Amharic …

What is Siqqo?

The Siqqo is a stick that symbolizes peace and women honor. The Siqqoand the Yakka are closely associated. Mobilizing the Yakka and holding the Siqqo, Sidama women stand for their customary rights. They do this, for example, when a woman is beaten up by her husband or a pregnant woman is mistreated.

Who are the Gamo people?

The Gamo people are an Ethiopian ethnic group located in the Gamo Highlands of Southern Ethiopia. They are found in more than 40 communities, including Chencha, Bonke, Kucha, Garbansa, Zargula, Kamba, Dorze, Birbir, Ochello, Boroda, Ganta, Gacho Baba, Eligo, Shella, Kolle, Dita, Kogo and Daramalo.

What does Gomo stand for?

Gamo is the name of the Ethiopian ethnic group who speak the Gamo language. The name “Gamo” means a lion, which refers to their legacy; along with the Goffa, they gave their names to the former Gamo-Gofa province of Ethiopia.

What is the population of Gamo in Ethiopia?

The 2007 Ethiopian national census reported that 1,104,360 people (or 1.56% of the Ethiopian population) identified as Gamo, of whom 139,308 were urban inhabitants and 965,052 rural. However it is widely believed that the population of Gamo is considerably higher.

How does the Gamo caste system manifest itself in material culture?

The Gamo’s strict social hierarchy offer an example of how a caste system manifests itself in material culture. Artisans, such as ground stone makers and potters, rely primarily on craft production for their livelihood. ^ Rave, Thomas (2006).