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What is integument in insects?

What is integument in insects?

The outer covering of insects is referred to both as an exoskeleton and an integument. The integument consists of the underlying basement membrane, the living epidermal cell layer, and the overlying, nonliving cuticle that is secreted by the epidermis.

How many layers are present in insect integument?

The epicuticle is divided into 4 layers: 1. CEMENT LAYER is the outermost layer.

Why is the integument in insects important?

The Exoskeleton. An insect’s exoskeleton (integument) serves not only as a protective covering over the body, but also as a surface for muscle attachment, a water-tight barrier against desiccation, and a sensory interface with the environment.

What is the integument of arthropods?

In arthropods, the integument, the external “skin”, or “shell”, is the product of a single layer of ectodermal epithelium. That layer is attached to the external or distal surface of the deepest layer, the non-cellular internal membrane of the integument. That non-cellular membrane is called the basement membrane.

Where does the integument come from?

It derives from integumentum, which is Latin for “a covering”. In a transferred or figurative sense, it could mean a cloak or a disguise. In English “integument” is a fairly modern word, its origin having been traced back to the early seventeenth century.

What does integument develop into?

In botany, the integuments are the outer layer(s) of the ovule and develop into a seed coat as the ovule matures following fertilization.

How insecticide penetrates in the integument of insect?

Evidence has been obtained which contradicts the widely held view that contact insecticides reach the site of action in the insect by penetrating through the integument of the body wall, subsequently being carried by the haemolymph to the target organ, the central nervous system.

What is insect exoskeleton?

The word exoskeleton means “outside skeleton.” Many invertebrates, or animals without backbones, have exoskeletons. Insects are the largest group of animals that have an exoskeleton. Insects have exoskeletons made of a substance called chitin.

What is integumentary system PDF?

TOGETHER, SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS ARE KNOWN AS THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM. of almost 21 square feet. inch or more on areas of wear and tear, such as the soles of the feet. ❖ Few body parts renew as rapidly as the skin.

What are the 5 components of the integument?

The integumentary system includes the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, associated glands, hair, and nails.

What is the integument of an insect?

5 The cuticle and epidermis make up what we call the insect’s integument. Cross-section of cockroach cuticle Integument cross-section Exoskeleton Advantages 6 In the human muscular system, you can imagine how our muscles attach to our bones. Insect muscles attach to their exoskeleton just as our muscles attach to our internal skeleton.

What are the 4 layers of the integumentary system?

Integument Layers 4 Exoskeleton (cuticle) Epicuticle–waterproof (lipids and polyphenols) Exocuticle – hardened layer (chitin-protein microfibers) –flexible inner layer (unlinked chitin and proteins) Epidermis – cellular layer (provides proteins, chitin, lipids) Chitin is like rebar in concrete. Integument

What are the cuticle and epidermis of an insect called?

5 The cuticle and epidermis make up what we call the insect’s integument. Cross-section of cockroach cuticle Integument cross-section Exoskeleton Advantages