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What is multi-track diplomacy with example?

What is multi-track diplomacy with example?

Examples of multi-track diplomacy include official and unofficial conflict resolution efforts, citizen and scientific exchanges, international business negotiations, international cultural and athletic activities and other international contacts and cooperative efforts. (

What can result from multi-track diplomacy?

By expanding the approach to peacemaking and peacebuilding outside of Track One, IMTD works to ensure a holistic, comprehensive approach to conflict transformation with a greater likelihood of long-term, sustainable peace.

What is multi-track approach?

Multitrack approaches can be understood as a way of considering different peacebuilding initiatives taking place at different levels of society, with the intention of leveraging the positive impact of linkages between initiatives, while preventing or mitigating negative impact.

What is the difference between Track 1 and Track 2 diplomacy?

Track One diplomacy was what diplomats did—formal negotiations between nations conducted by professional diplomats. Track Two diplomacy referred to conflict resolution efforts by professional non-governmental conflict resolution practitioners and theorists.

Who is the founder of Multi-Track Diplomacy?

Dr. Louise Diamond
The Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (IMTD) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1992 by Ambassador John W. McDonald and Dr. Louise Diamond.

When did multi-track diplomacy from?

In 1991, I worked with Louise Diamond to expand the five tracks into nine, and we coined the term, “multi-track diplomacy.” We founded the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (IMTD) in 1992….Application of the Systems Approach to Peace.

Standards Description
Synthesis of Wisdom Importance of indigenous wisdom

How can diplomacy be used to resolve a conflict?

Various diplomatic practices, such as competitive negotiation and power mediation, illustrate the oscillation between threat and reward strategies, which are used to influence the pay-off structure and incentives toward conflict resolution. Still, the use of threats and escalation is a high-risk strategy.

What is meant by Track 1 diplomacy?

First, Track One Diplomacy has the ability to use political power to influence the direction of negotiations and outcomes (Sanders, 1991). This power might include using the threat of military force if a party decides to go against international treaties.

How does diplomacy work?

Diplomacy is accomplished by negotiation, or bargaining. Usually, each group in a negotiation will ask for more than they expect to get. They then compromise, or give up some of what they want, in order to come to an agreement. Often, an outside diplomat will help with the negotiations.

Who introduced the Multi-Track Diplomacy?

Louise Diamond and John McDonald were another pair of peacebuilding practitioners who developed a “systems thinking” approach to peacebuilding long before others did. They introduced the concept of “multi-track diplomacy” and described the workings of nine different tracks in their book of the same name.

What is multi-track diplomacy?

Multi-track diplomacy is a concept developed and put into practice by Louise Diamond and myself, co-founders of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy.

Who is the founder of the Institute for multi track diplomacy?

The co-founders of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, Louise Diamond and John Mcdonald developed and applied the concept of Multi-Track Diplomacy. Multi-Track Diplomacy is an intangible way to view the procedure of international peacemaking as a living system.

What was the significance of track three diplomacy?

Moreover, Track Three diplomacy was significant in the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union when a vital role was played by the American business executive Arm and Hammer by promoting trade between the USSR and the US during the Cold War. (McDonald, 1991)

What is track-one diplomacy and how does it work?

Political peace building, which is accomplished through track-one diplomacy and may consist of political rebuilding. Economic and institutional peace building, which is also a function of track-one diplomacy. It involves the rebuilding of infrastructure and international institutions.