What is SIC code 3441?
3441 Fabricated Structural Metal. Establishments primarily engaged in fabricating iron and steel or other metal for structural purposes, such as bridges, buildings, and sections for ships, boats, and barges.
How many digits is SIC code?
four digit
SIC codes, or Standard Industrial Classification, are four digit codes used to categorize business activities.
What is SIC code 3449?
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous structural metal work, such as metal plaster bases, fabricated bar joists, and concrete reinforcing bars.
What is SIC code 3731?
Establishments primarily engaged in building and repairing ships, barges, and lighters, whether self-propelled or towed by other craft.
How do I find a SIC code?
How do I Determine the SIC Number for a Company?
- U.S. Department of Labor’s OSHA Website. You can search for a SIC code by entering a keyword in the search box or by clicking on the “SIC Manual” link which takes you to the 1987 edition of the Manual.
- NAICS & SIC Identification Tools of the NAICS Association.
- Barchart.com.
What is the SIC code for metal manufacturing?
Industry: 3441—Fabricated Structural Metal
Codes | Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
3441 | Fabricated Structural Metal | 7,671 |
344100 | Fabricated structural metal | 6,678 |
34410000 | Fabricated structural metal | 6,678 |
344101 | Fabricated structural metal for ships | 73 |
What is 8 digit SIC?
SIC 8 Digit Code – A 8-digit Standard Industrial Classification code identifying a line of operations for a business at the most specific level. Local Activity Type Code – A Dun & Bradstreet code identifying the type of activity code (i.e., 1987 SIC Code) represented in the Primary Local Activity Code field.
How do I find my SIC code?
What is the SIC code for metal fabrication?
SIC Code 3441 – Fabricated Structural Metal is a final level code of the “Manufacturing” Division. There are 4,791 companies classified in this industry in the USA with an estimated employment of 55,606 people.
What is Facebook’s Naics code?
NAICS Profile Page
Company DUNS#: 19-633-7864 | |
Corporate Name: Facebook Inc | |
NAICS 1: 519190 | All Other Information Services |
NAICS 2: | |
SIC 1: 73759902 | On-line data base information retrieval |
What is an SIC code number?
The Standard Industrial Classification “SIC” is a classification system that uses a four-digit code for classifying a company’s primary industry which is based upon the company’s highest revenue category. The SIC was established in the United States in the late 1930s and focused on U.S. companies.
How many digits are in a US SIC code?
US Govt. SIC Codes Division Title Major Group2-digit Industry Group3-digit Industry4-digit A01-09 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 5 23 58 B10-14 Mining 4 20 31 C15-17 Construction 3 14 26
How do I download the SIC code list?
You can download this list in excel format by clicking SIC-Code-List.xls, or by clicking the image to the right. *Disclaimer: For an authoritative SIC Code List, please obtain directly from Osha.gov or siccode.com.
What if my sic code doesn’t apply to my business?
If you find a specific agency or government office is using a SIC Code that doesn’t apply to your business, it is best to contact that specific agency/office and request an update. Typically, agencies will use SIC Codes at the 4-digit U.S. Government level, but you may encounter 6, 7,…
What are some of the most popular uses of SIC code?
Here are some of the popular uses: 1 SIC Code business lists can be integrated into all of the top CRMs. 2 Identify your best clients’ primary industry and target similar businesses. 3 Tap into a database of 15 million verified business records arranged by specific industries 4 Email campaigns, mailing campaigns, phone campaigns, and more