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What is the example of besides?

What is the example of besides?

The definition of besides mean in addition to or furthermore. An example of besides used as an adverb is, “He went to the bank besides the store, grocer and pharmacy” which means he also went to the bank. An example of besides used as an adverb is, “She had $10, but nothing else besides” which means she only had $10.

How do you put two sentences together besides?

We can use “besides” between two sentences. I have paid a lot of money for the car. Besides, I have paid for the insurance. If I were you I would accept their offer. Besides, there’s no harm in trying.

Is besides followed by also?

We also learned that ”besides” is a preposition, usually followed by a noun, and an adverb, or a word that modifies a verb, meaning ”in addition to,” ”furthermore,” ”also,” and ”as well as. ”

How do you start a sentence with besides?

However, colloquially, beginning a sentence with “besides” makes perfect sense: “He didn’t go to the store because he was tired. Besides, it was raining.” I would usually say “And besides, it was raining”, but I think that is just a personal preference.

What do you mean by besides?

BESIDES with an “s” at the end can also be used as a preposition, but it means “except” or “in addition to,” as in these examples: There’s no one here besides (= except) me. She wants to learn other languages besides (= in addition to) English and French.

What is the meaning of besides and sentence?

The definition of beside means by, along side, in comparison or near, or means not relevant. An example of the use of beside as an adverb is in the sentence, “The nightstand is beside the bed,” which means that the nightstand is next to the bed.

What kind of conjunction is besides?

The following chart lists the most common types of conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs. (Coordinating conjunctions connect two equal parts of a sentence.)…

accordingly in fact
besides moreover
consequently namely
finally nevertheless
for example otherwise

Do you put commas after besides?

However, BESIDES can also be used as an adverb, to introduce additional information. As you can see in the examples below, besides can be placed either before the additional information or after it. When it’s placed before the new information, a comma should be inserted after it. I hope this helps.

How do you use besides as a preposition?

When used as a preposition, besides means ‘in addition to’ or ‘as well as’.

  1. Besides her role as a mother of three, Mary runs a charity and works part-time for her husband’s company.
  2. Besides a holiday in Mauritius, the competition winners also received £1000 spending money.

Does Besides mean except?

in addition to
BESIDES with an “s” at the end can also be used as a preposition, but it means “except” or “in addition to,” as in these examples: There’s no one here besides (= except) me. She wants to learn other languages besides (= in addition to) English and French.

What is the opposite of besides?

What is the opposite of besides?

however although
nevertheless nonetheless
in spite of that notwithstanding
regardless but
still that said

What is the difference between Except and besides?

Except serves the purpose of exclusion while besides serves that of inclusion. The whole class is going, except John. Besides the class, Mary is also going.