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What is the half-life of iodine-123?

What is the half-life of iodine-123?

Sodium Iodide I 123 decays by electron capture with a physical half-life of 13.2 hours.

Why is iodine-123 better than iodine-131?

Use of 123 I has several advantages over 131 I, including a shorter half-life (13.3 hours vs. 8 days), lack of beta emission, and better image quality.

When performing a radioiodine thyroid scintigraphy The major advantage of using 131 I is?

Summary: The benefits of I-131 remnant ablation include: [1] facilitating the interpretation of subsequent serum thyroglobulin levels, [2] increasing the sensitivity of detection of locoregional and/or metastatic disease on subsequent follow-up radioactive iodine whole-body scans, [3] maximizing the therapeutic effect …

What is iodine-123 used for in medicine?

Iodide I-123 is a radiopharmaceutical diagnostic agent used for the evaluation of the thyroid function and/or morphology. Iodide I-123 (as sodium Iodide I-123) is a radioactive isotope of iodine used in nuclear medicine for the diagnostic study of thyroid disease.

What is the decay constant of iodine 123?

The isotope’s half-life is 13.22 hours; the decay by electron capture to tellurium-123 emits gamma radiation with a predominant energy of 159 keV (this is the gamma primarily used for imaging)….Iodine-123.

Decay products 123Te
Decay modes
Decay mode Decay energy (MeV)
electron capture 0.159 (159 keV)

What is the half-life of iodine 124?

I-124 is a PET radiopharmaceutical with a 4.2-day half life. It offers superior imaging characteristics with enhanced spatial resolution and image sensitivity due to coincidence detection on PET cameras.

What is the half-life of iodine 131?

Radioactive Iodine The 131I isotope has a half-life of 8 days and emits γ radiation and β particles. Given orally, it is concentrated in the thyroid, where the β particles destroy the gland.

How long does iodine stay in the thyroid?

How Well It Works. In almost all cases, your thyroid hormone levels will return to normal or below normal after radioactive iodine treatment. This may take 8 to 12 weeks or longer.

How does iodine-123 leave the body?

What happens to the radioactive iodine after it enters my body? Most of the I123 your thyroid tissue does not absorb will leave your body in your urine and stool. The rest will simply decay over time.

What are the side effects of iodine-123?

Common side effects of ioflupane I-123 may include:

  • pain, swelling, burning, or irritation around the IV needle;
  • headache;
  • dizziness, spinning sensation;
  • dry mouth; or.
  • nausea.