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What is the last date for filing IT returns for FY 2020 21?

What is the last date for filing IT returns for FY 2020 21?

The last date for filing your income tax return, or ITR, for FY 2020/21 (AY 2021/22) is March 31. The original deadline was July 31, 2021, but that was extended because of Covid; the date was revised to December 31, 2021, then February 15, 2021, and finally March 15, 2021.

What is the last date of income tax return 2021-22?

On March 31, 2022, the current financial year 2021-22 comes to a close. If you are a taxpayer, March 31 is very important for you. It serves as a reminder to taxpayers that their Income Tax Return, or ITR, is due and that it’s the last date for filing the ITR.

How can I get Form 16 online?

How to Download Form 16?

  1. Under the ‘Forms/Download’ section, you will find the ‘Income Tax Forms’ option, click on it.
  2. Next, you will find the ‘PDF’ and ‘Fillable Form’ options available under ‘Form 16’.
  3. Click on the relevant option.
  4. You will be able to download the form on the next page.

Can I file IT return for AY 2021/22 now?

As per the income tax department’s tweet, “Not filing ITR can result in higher TDS next year. The last date to file ITR for AY 2021-22 is 31st March 2022.

What happens if I dont file ITR?

If the taxpayer fails to file the ITR by the due date then penalty interest at the rate of 1% per month is levied on the outstanding tax. Further if the outstanding tax liability is over Rs. 1 lakh, section 234A applies from the original due date which happens to be July 31, 2021 in the current case.

What is the due date for form 16?

“As per the Income Tax Act, employers should issue Form-16 to the employee before 15th June every year after the end of the Financial Year. For FY 20-21, CBDT has extended the due date to issue Form 16.

When form 16 is required for employees?

All the employers, if they deduction TDS, are required to issue Form 16 by 15th June of the financial year. Q – What is Income from salary? How it is related to my Form 16?

Which column is introduced in the new form 16?

P. Health and education Cess (16) : This column is introduced in the new Form 16, as health and education cess is announced in Budget 2018. Download the new Form 16 Format applicable for FY 2018-19 : AY 2019-20.

What is income tax form 16?

It is divided into two sections- Part A and Part B. This part of income tax form 16 covers employer, employee,TDS payment details. It shows quarter-wise details of your tax deposited with the government.Some of the details are: