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What is the main idea of Am I Blue?

What is the main idea of Am I Blue?

The story reveals the callousness which we unconsciously show when we treat animals as commodities and not as living creatures who also undergo emotional and psychological turmoil just like us. Alice Walker also touches indirectly upon the sensitive issues of slavery and racism in this story.

What is the story Am I Blue About?

Am I Blue is a short story about an African American woman who bonds with a male horse named “Blue”. She sees many similarities in the indifference, preconceptions, and injustices he suffers through the lenses of her own suffering. She forces her reader to experience Blue’s pain.

How does Walker compare blue to a human being?

Walker also emphasizes that Blue is a person to her, and that, as a black woman, she can relate to his suffering. “If I had been born into slavery,” she writes, “and my partner had been sold or killed, my eyes would have looked like that” (40).

Why did Alice Walker write Am I Blue?

Walker utilizes her relationship with Blue to pass on her profound respect for creatures, and through her depiction of the disregard and detachment with which Blue is dealt with she additionally passes on her longing for people to treat creatures, and one another, with deference and resilience.

What did the author describe as blue?

Solution. The author describes their faces as blue and terrible to accentuate their criminal and mean minds which are the result of living on Venus, away from the positive energy of the Sun.

What is the theme of Am I Blue by Bruce Coville?

Coville’s story gives the reader a comic overview of the themes that many of the following stories work out in detail: the continuum of sexuality, in that there are varying shades and intensities of homosexual desire in human beings; of justified fear of persecution and violence at the hands of those who fear and hate …

Is Alice Walker an Anthropocentrist?

As has become obvious, Walker’s world view is ecocentric, and not anthropocentric, as classical Humanism would have it (cf.

Why does the author describe their faces as blue and terrible?

The author describes their faces as blue and terrible to accentuate their criminal and mean minds which are the result of living on Venus, away from the positive energy of the Sun.

What was Margot’s biggest crime?

3. Margot’s “biggest crime” was that— A she had come to Venus only five years before and remembered the sun.

What do they do to her at the end of the story why did they behave in this manner all summer in a day?

They shove her, leave her alone, would not even look at her because she will not play games with them in the echoing tunnels of the underground city. She is made to feel different. They want to take revenge, so they lock her up in a dark tunnel and forget all about her till the sun appears and disappears.

What does blue mean for personality?

Those with Blue color personality strengths tend to be enthusiastic, sympathetic, communicative, compassionate, idealistic, sincere and imaginative. They care and want to contribute to everything they are a part of. Relationships are important to blues.