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What is the mobile phase solvent for the caffeine TLC analysis?

What is the mobile phase solvent for the caffeine TLC analysis?

Separation of caffeine and paracetamol were performed on the TLC plate, and the best results were obtained using the optimized mobile phase n-hexane-ethyl acetate-ethanol (2.5 + 1.5 + 0.4, v/v).

What is the Rf value of caffeine?

The Rf value of caffeine standard was 0.63, and every sample showed similar value with caffeine standard, indicating that all samples contain caffeine.

Which mobile phase is used in extraction of caffeine?

Caffeine was extracted by using silica jel as a separating agent and water: ethanol was used as a mobile phase.

How do I choose a solvent for TLC?

The choice of solvent or a mixture of solvents used in TLC is solely guided by two important factors : (a) the nature of the constituent to be separated i.e., whether it is polar or non-polar ; and (b) the nature of the process involved i.e., whether it is a case of ‘adsorption’ or ‘partition chromatography’.

What is caffeine extraction?

Extraction is a technique in which a solvent is used to remove/isolate a compound of interest from a liquid substance. For example, coffee is a liquid which contains dissolved caffeine. The extraction will be carried out by simply adding a portion of solvent to the coffee.

How do you calculate the Rf value?

The Rf value of a compound is equal to the distance traveled by the compound divided by the distance traveled by the solvent front (both measured from the origin).

What solvents is caffeine soluble in?

Caffeine has been reported to be highly soluble in chloroform and dichloromethane compared to the other investigated organic solvents, which include benzene, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and hexane18. Moreover, caffeine has been shown to be about twice as soluble in chloroform as dichloromethane.

Is chloroform a good solvent for caffeine?

The solubility of caffeine in chloroform showed a higher value than those in the other solvents. Thus, chloroform is a better solvent to separate and purify caffeine from solutions.

What is the rfvalue of caffeine in TLC analysis?

Further, if TLC analysis of a known sample of pure caffeine resulted in a spot with a Rfvalue of 0.23, then one may reasonably conclude that one of the compounds present in the unknown sample is caffeine.

How do you deposit caffeine in TLC plates?

The deposit of the extracts and caffeine standard inside TLC plates were performed with the aid of a fume hood, as well as nebulization of the visualization reagent. Upon contact with air, solid iodine turns into gaseous iodine by the physical process of sublimation, which may cause eye and skin irritation.

Can we use TLC to analyze caffeine and paracetamol simultaneously?

An efficient and simultaneous analysis of caffeine and paracetamol in pharmaceutical formulations using TLC with a fluorescence plate reader. J AOAC Int. 2010, 94(4), 1094-1099.

What is thin layer chromatography (TLC)?

Thin-layer Chromatography (TLC) The dry extracts obtained were dissolved in exactly 2 mL of dichloromethane and transferred to Eppendorf tubes previously cooled on ice to prevent evaporation of the solvent. The extracts were analyzed using aluminum TLC plates, coated with silica gel Typ 60 (Merck).