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What setae mean?

What setae mean?

a stiff hair
noun, plural se·tae [see-tee]. Biology. a stiff hair; bristle or bristlelike part.

What is setae Animalia?

n. Bristles on the segments in annelids. They are used to get purchase on the substrate to help movement.

What is the best description of setae?

Definition of ‘setae’ 1. (in invertebrates and some plants) any bristle or bristle-like appendage. 2. (in mosses) the stalk of the sporophyte that bears the capsule.

What is setae in annelida?

All annelids except leeches also have chitonous hair-like structures, called setae, projecting from their cuticle. Sometimes the setae are located on paddle-like appendages called parapodia. Annelids are schizocoelous and with a large and well-developed true coelom (i.e., one that is lined with mesoderm).

What are setae Brainly?

Setae is a stiff hair, bristle, or bristle-like process or part on an organism.

What is setae Class 11?

Hint:Setae are bristle or hair-like structures present on living organisms. Arthropods have a semi-transparent, tough exoskeleton which is chitinous. Complete answer: Chitinous setae can be found in Annelids and arthropods. Annelids have stiff setae which are bristles like projections present on the body.

What are setae and what are they used for?

Setae are commonly used by insects as a substrate of high surface area from which a pheromone is dispersed by evaporation. Adult males of some nemopterid (Neuroptera) genera use distinctive tufts of fine setae (bulla) on the hind margins of the fore- or hind wings to disperse pheromone.

What is the function of the setae?

Bristles, called setae, are located on each segment of the earthworm’s body. They prevent the earthworm from slipping backwards. FEEDING The earthworm is specially adapted for feeding underground.

What are setae used for in insects?

What is the setae of an earthworm?

Bristles, called setae, are located on each segment of the earthworm’s body. They prevent the earthworm from slipping backwards. FEEDING The earthworm is specially adapted for feeding underground. passes out of the body through the anus.

What is the difference between setae and chaetae?

These are bristle-like structures or hair-like structures.

  • Moreover,both arise from the trichogen and mature into harden structures.
  • They form hollow tubes that later develop into hard bristles.
  • Also,both are important in attachment,movement and as defence mechanisms.
  • Both can be found in annelids.
  • What does setae mean?

    long, thread-like processes at the end of the abdomen in many europterous and some other insects; = anal filaments. How to pronounce caudal setae? How to say caudal setae in sign language?

    What does setae feel like?

    What does the setae feel like? The setae are visible under a microscope and their position on the body is used for identification. On larger earthworms the setae are so large that it makes the earthworm feel rough and bristly.

    What is the difference between setae and parapodia?

    no parapodia or setae, some are parasites Annelid literally means ringed/segmented Many annelids have external bristles called setae Some annelids have fleshy propulsions called parapodia The class Polychaeta describes them having