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What time is the fireworks festival in Harvest Moon?

What time is the fireworks festival in Harvest Moon?

between 6pm and 7:50 pm
The Fireworks Display is an annual event in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. It is held on the 24th day of Summer, between 6pm and 7:50 pm, at Mineral Beach. The player can ask a girl to watch the Fireworks Display together at the dock.

How do you start fireworks in Harvest Moon DS?

To participate in the festival, walk down to the beach between 6pm and 9pm. All of the eligible bachelorettes (or bachelors in the girl version) will be there. If any of them are at a Green Heart or higher, then you have the option to invite them to watch the fireworks with you.

How do you invite someone to fireworks festival Harvest Moon?

Venue: Mountain, meet in your house Talk to the marriage candidate of your choice, and a prompt will ask if this is the person you want to invite.

How do you ask to watch the fireworks with you in story of seasons?

If you are alone, talk to Nigel to start the festivities. If you have someone you are going-steady with, talk to them to ask if they would like to watch the fireworks with you.

How do you win the Dog Race in Harvest Moon BTN?

The Dog Race Run to the finish line as your dog follows. If your dog stops following, run back toward him until he starts to follow again. You’re not allowed to use the whistle or pick your dog up. The first dog to cross the finish line wins.

How do you get Kai to stay?

Kai is close friends to Popuri. If you marry Kai, he will not leave in Summer and will stay all year long. He will also work at his Seaside Shack year round, if you allow him to do so.

How do you ask to watch fireworks at the pioneers of olive town?

Summer 22: Fireworks Display If you have someone you are going-steady with, talk to them to ask if they would like to watch the fireworks with you. Confirming your date selection will immediately start the fireworks, so pick your date last if you’re trying to talk to all of the other participants first.

How do you invite someone to fireworks festival story of seasons?

Walk into the area to see the other regular marriage candidates waiting for the firework show to begin. You’ll earn +5 FP with each of the candidates you talk to. If you are not married, candidates that have a green heart color (30,000 LP) or higher will invite you to watch the fireworks with them.

How do you ask someone to watch fireworks in story of seasons?

How do you trigger events in story of seasons pioneers of olive town?

An event that requires the player to find eggs, if you have a best friend or in a relationship, you can enjoy a date. you can enjoy a date. If you chose to participate alone, it will still increase your liking with all the residents who are participated. Talk to your lover / friend to trigger the event.