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Which of the following countries had the worst score in the corruption Perception Index in 2015?

Which of the following countries had the worst score in the corruption Perception Index in 2015?


# Nation or Territory 2015
1 New Zealand 91
1 Finland 90
4 Singapore 85

Who is behind Transparency International?

According to its 2012 Annual Report, it is funded by western governments (with almost €5 million from the UK government) and several multinational companies, including oil companies Exxon Mobil and Shell, hedge funds KKR and Wermuth Asset Management, Deloitte and Ernst & Young.

What is Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index?

The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) was first launched in 1995 by the Transparency International (TI). The goal of the CPI is to provide data on extensive perceptions of corruption within countries, and to enhance understanding of levels of corruption from one country to another.

Is bribery common in Malaysia?

Cases of corruption and bribery. There has been a high level of corruption and bribery cases within Malaysia – ongoing for decades despite increasing efforts to combat these issues.

What country has the most corruption?

Located in East Africa, Somalia has been ranked the most corrupt country in the world in several consecutive years.

What are the most corrupt nations?

– Transparency International’s 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries on a scale of a ‘highly corrupt’ 0 to a ‘very clean’ 100 – Denmark, New Zealand and Finland tied for first place with 88 points each – South Sudan was at the bottom of the list with 11 points, making it the worst country for corruption

What is the most corrupt government in the world?

As in previous years, Somalia was ranked as the most corrupt country in the world, receiving a score of just 12 out of 100 (lower scores are worse). This is an improvement from the country’s previous score of 9.

What is International Transparency Index?

The index offers an annual snapshot of the relative degree of corruption by ranking countries and territories from all over the globe. In 2012, Transparency International revised the methodology used to construct the index to allow for comparison of scores from one year to the next.