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Do platelets require crossmatch?

Do platelets require crossmatch?

Platelet transfusions from RhD-positive donors to recipients with anti-D antibodies do not result in hemolysis, because they contain very few RBCs. Only products containing >2 mL of incompatible RBCs require a serologic crossmatch per AABB standards.

Do platelets require a type and screen?

An ABO/Rh type must be available to order platelets and plasma. For plasma and cryo, the Blood Bank provides components that are compatible. Platelets are selected to be ABO identical or compatible depending on availability.

Do platelets have blood type?

Just as AB+ is the universal blood type for platelets, O neg is the universal blood type for red cells.

What is the cross-matching protocol for platelets?

A platelet cross-matching procedure has been assessed for selecting compatible donors for alloimmunized patients. This confirms the clinical value of combining an indirect platelet immunofluorescence test (PIFT) with a lymphocytotoxicity test (LCT) in predicting the survival of single-donor platelets.

How is platelet crossmatching used in the selection of platelets?

Platelet crossmatching. A direct approach to the selection of platelet transfusions for the alloimmunized thrombocytopenic patient Selection of platelets for alloimmunized, thrombocytopenic patients has traditionally been based on HLA matching.

Which blood types are eligible for platelet donation?

All blood types, except for type O negative and type B negative, are encouraged to try platelet donation. Type O negative and type B negative can make the most impact for patients in need by continuing to give whole blood or a Power Red donation.

Why do some people choose to donate platelets instead of whole blood?

Many physicians and hospitals prefer it for patients requiring a platelet transfusion. A smaller needle is used for a platelet donation compared to a traditional whole blood donation so some donors find it to be more comfortable.

Can platelet transfusions for alloimmunized Thrombocytopenic patients be prospectively selected by platelet crossmatching?

These results show that successful platelet transfusions for alloimmunized thrombocytopenic patients can be prospectively selected by platelet crossmatching without the need of doing expensive HLA typing of a large population of platelet donors.