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What does emoticon stand for?

What does emoticon stand for?

ISBN 978-0-07-861399-9. Emoticon: An acronym for emotion icon, a small icon composed of punctuation characters that indicate how an e-mail message should be interpreted (that is, the writer’s mood). ^ a b “The History of Smiley Marks”.

What does emotikonok stand for?

Emotikonok. Érzelemkifejezés az internetes kommunikációban (Emoticons. Expressing emotions in the internet communication). Budapest: Magyar Szemiotikai Társaság. Dresner, Eli, and Herring, Susan C. (2010).

What direction are emoticons usually written?

Western style emoticons are mostly written from left to right as though the head is rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees.

Why do emoticons have asterisks in them?

Linguist Ilaria Moschini suggests this is partly due to the kawaii (‘cuteness’) aesthetic of kaomoji. These emoticons are usually found in a format similar to (*_*). The asterisks indicate the eyes; the central character, commonly an underscore, the mouth; and the parentheses, the outline of the face.

Are emoticons Eastern or Latin?

Eastern. Eastern emoticons generally are not rotated sideways, and may include non-Latin characters to allow for additional complexity. These emoticons first arose in Japan, where they are referred to as kaomoji (literally “face characters”).

How are emoticons written in Japan?

In Western countries, emoticons are usually written at a right angle to the direction of the text. Users from Japan popularized a kind of emoticon called kaomoji (顔文字; lit. 顔(kao)=face, 文字(moji)=character(s)) that can be understood without tilting one’s head to the left. This style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986.

Who invented emoticons?

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 12196. Springer Nature. p. 26. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50353-6_2. ISBN 978-3-030-50353-6. S2CID 220551348. Scott Fahlman, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, was credited with popularizing early text-based emoticons in 1982

What is the difference between Simboli and emoticon?

Brevi sequenze di simboli, lettere o numeri hanno lo scopo di rappresentare determinate espressioni facciali e posture. Le emoticon possono vivacizzare il testo e trasmettere stati d’animo o stati emotivi. 😀 significa ridere o simboleggia un gran sorriso, per indicare sorpresa usiamo :-O, mentre <3 rappresenta il cuore e i sentimenti.

How do you write an emoticon?

In Western countries, emoticons are usually written at a right angle to the direction of the text. Users from Japan popularized a kind of emoticon called kaomoji ( 顔文字; lit. 顔(kao)=face, 文字(moji)=character(s)), utilizing the Katakana character set, that can be understood without tilting one’s head to the left.