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What is temporal example?

What is temporal example?

The definition of temporal is relating to the temples of the skull, limited by time or relating to this present life or world. An example of temporal used as an adjective is a temporal lobe in the brain. An example of temporal used as an adjective is temporal logic, the rules about reasoning in terms of time.

What does temporal world mean?

Of or relating to the material world; worldly: the temporal possessions of the Church. 3. Lasting only for a time; not eternal; passing: our temporal existence.

What does temporal person mean?

1a : of or relating to time as opposed to eternity. b : of or relating to earthly life. c : lay or secular rather than clerical or sacred : civil lords temporal. 2 : of or relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time.

What is a temporal situation?

Temporal comes from the Latin word temporalis which means “of time” and is usually applied to words that mean not having much of it, such as the temp who works at an office for a set amount of time, because temporary situations don’t last long.

What is temporal behavior?

1 of or relating to time. 2 of or relating to secular as opposed to spiritual or religious affairs.

What is a temporal relationship?

Definition. A temporal relationship is the timing between a factor and an outcome which can be used to assign causality to a relationship.

What is temporal relationship?

A temporal relationship is the timing between a factor and an outcome which can be used to assign causality to a relationship.

What does temporal mean in psychology?

adj. 1. of or pertaining to time or its role in some process, as in temporal conditioning or temporal summation. 2. relating or proximal to the temple, as in temporal lobe.

What is temporal in Psychology?

The temporal lobes are the second largest lobe of the human cerebrum, accounting for 22% of the overall brain’s volume, and are associated with hearing, memory, emotion, and some aspects of language. The word temporal refers to the temples of the head, which relates to their positioning in the cerebrum.

What is temporal thinking?

Temporal focus: Thinking about the past, present, and future. Current Opinion in Psychology, 26, 37–43.

How do you use temporal in a sentence?

Temporal sentence example

  1. The Bible gives me a deep, comforting sense that “things seen are temporal , and things unseen are eternal.”
  2. Things are temporal , the ideas perpetual, God eternal.
  3. In politics he held that good laws were better than good rulers, and criticised papal infallibility in temporal affairs.