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Who created the Green Line in Cyprus?

Who created the Green Line in Cyprus?

On 30 December 1963, following a ‘high powered’ twelve hour meeting chaired by Duncan Sandys (British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations), General Young drew the agreed cease-fire line on a map with a green chinagraph pencil, which was to become known as the “Green Line”.

Why is it called the Green Line in Cyprus?

It was formed in order to stop the escalation of tension between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots. It was given the name Green Line due to the fact that General Yang had drawn it with a green pencil on the map.

Where is Cyprus and why was the Green Line created?

The UN Buffer Zone (commonly called the Green Line) was marked out in 1964 as a temporary measure to restore peace after a decade of inter-communal fighting between Turkish and Greek Cypriots in the fledgling independent nation of Cyprus.

When was the Green Line in Cyprus created?

A buffer zone in Cyprus was first established in 1964. The UN sent peace keepers to prevent a recurrence of fighting, following intercommunal violence between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots that had flared up in December 1963.

Is there another name for the Green Line in Cyprus?

The buffer zone – also called ‘the Green Line’ – extends approximately 180 km across the island. In some parts of old Nicosia it is only a few meters wide, while in other areas it is a few kilometres wide.

Is the Green Line still in Cyprus?

Today it is abandoned and derelict. The Green Line forms the de facto border between the Greek-majority Republic of Cyprus (RoC) and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) – a proto-state recognised only by Turkey. Overlooking the Green Line are military watchtowers and the flags of the opposing powers.

Is Turkey illegally occupying Cyprus?

During the second phase, Turkey took the city of Famagusta, under its control and illegally occupies over 36% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus ever since. As a result of the Turkish military invasion and occupation, 162,000 Greek-Cypriots fled their homes becoming refugees in their own country.

Is there a no mans land in Cyprus?

For nearly 60 years, an urban no-man’s land has cut a swathe through Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus.